MA Painting
Project Space
Joo Young Lee
13 - 19 July
Day 1.
I have been always interested in the distorted perception through language. Language seems to act as a kind of power and control that could make people distorted and take control of.
To express this, I have used in "languages of fake news" that occurs frequently in contemporary society. I conceptually create diagrams and records of artistic media form with the languages. In other words, between the impersonal and emotional concepts of fake news and partisan media, my work is that each element is analysed to extract modern distorted perceptions. I aim to verbally interpret and express distorted perception via conceptual languages that act as a power and control, using questions of how we look, perceive, understand and interpret issues (or information). Perception is one of the emotional behaviours. People interpret and enter information through their beliefs and experiences. Between them, people face distortions that they cannot read all the information, or that they cannot notice the truth by belief.
I aim to develop my own brick and diagrams this week in online residency.
Today, I was making white bricks. For me, it is a object symbolised as a human perception, as if bricks can be stacked (so can be a wall or boundary) or changed or collapsed. Thus, I was engraving the texts that are based on my reflection on language of fake news. The repeat of texts on bricks is a sort of process of perception repeating something in your mind, when you recognise and understand something.
Thus, I will make a lot of bricks to feel full of these objects and repeating texts in the displayed space.
I have been selected as a part of Walls in Online Places Vol. 2 hosted by Ual postgraduate community. You can click and check my link. Also, you can participate in my questionnaire that will take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Link here!
Questionnaire here!
Day 2.
Today, I have kept making some bricks and started to process research and drawing work related to my core concept.

The Most Accurate Words, Print on paper, 27x21cm (5 each), 2020
This work explores the framing words on fake news, which can cause cognitive distortion, frequently used in the news in South Korea. It presents an example of a newspaper article, and the dictionary to convey the neutral meaning with a form of concrete poetry. And it expresses that word with an image. The elements, such as news sentence, dictionary, text image and irony title show this direction. In addition, this display that gradually descends from left to right shows the public who faces the framing words lose the judgement of perception, thus identity.
It worked well with my concept, but I found the work somewhat complicated and difficult to convey my message.
So I select words that played the role of framing words and pick additionally such words, then I intend to express them in a diagram(or graphic) drawing. It shows the gap of meaning and generally showing word.
I wanted to express it with charcoal, so I tried drawing with charcoal. The reason for using this material is:
I want to express this diagram, which was entirely my interpretation, as my drawing gesture. Charcoal is easy to be controlled and smudged by hand's strength. That point was interesting to me. Also, I want to emphasize handwriting format having a strong sense of reflection.
The below drawing is a practice and I will draw each drawing in a bigger size paper. And there are two ways to display it as it is in a gallery space and to print it out and install it in a public space like a poster.

Diagram(or graphic) drawing
This printing is a poster installed in Gallery space and Public space that reveals my concept with 'Fake news is just a belief'. This sentence shows the possibility of approaching the audience and the public with a new perception.

Poster project (FAKE NEWS IS JUST A BELIEF), print, 2020

Installation example
Day 3.
I wrote and recorded my poem by sound during unit2. These poems show my abstract feeling and reflection about that language. The reason I recorded rather than writing them is I think people can put their own thoughts between each word or sentence than reading through a slow recorded sound.
I intend to keep together these poem sounds with brick installation or my diagrams work. I am still thinking about how to install them harmoniously. You can listen to these sounds by clicking it.
After I had a group crit with Stephen last week, we had deeper dialogue about my work via email. I agreed his some comments. These ideas discussed:
In my work <The Most Accurate words>, he mentioned my work is harder to decipher the legibility of text and image in online presentation. He also told me it is hard to feel 'distortion' based on dealing with 'abstract language' and cultural ideas.
In addition, he mentioned my poster work <FAKE NEWS IS JUST A BELIEF> is too graphic feeling so it is less coherent with my work. Also, in diagram' intention, what is shown only the diagram without news outlet and dictionary may not show all my intentions.
Finally, I agreed with his this comment: you must genuinely sense how ‘you live within this discussion’ and not over intellectualise justice and political correctness.
In these points, for developing this work, I decided to create this work bigger size and focus on 'distortion' and 'perception' by expressing by the concrete poetry format with diagrams. Also, I have to deal with coherent direction rather than sporadic works because they have all connection and grouping not separate.

Day 4.
Today, I was drawing the new form of <The Most Accurate Words>. In Online, it is harder to read and apply "distortion" because the characteristics such as specific font, size, spacing of <The Most Accurate words> are illegible. So I drew other form like below drawing. I will make my works like below drawings.

drawing by using hand-writing

Day 5.
I was drawing about the poem that I wrote in Unit 2. My poem is dealing with seriousness, anger and injustice about my personal narrative, if you can feel in my sound. I want to share my anarchic, sensitive to audience through the poems. In the poem, blackwater is the truth that I think in the reality. It means I think the truth is transparent in which it will turn out to be transparent someday, but dark in which it can be submerge other opinions. So I wrote the truth is like blackwater in this poem. I will draw wore like this and record the poems again.

Day 6.
Today, I was thinking about my proposal. I have made the works in process, but I feel I have to arrange my works having the various formats by coherent direction. I will make the proposal in 2 days
The title: